I am Nakula...


These are the list for the things we need to get or have.

Shopping Basket

This is the 'SHOPPING BASKET'. It is an extra accessory for QUINNY BUZZ 3 WHEELER PUSHCHAIR

It would be convenient to have this, because I have to carry more stuff, such as toys, books or anything to entertain the baby... =)


Enlarged Seat

They called it 'Enlarged Seat'. Im not sure if we even talk about the same thing. I emailed Quinny's Office in Holland and she said that's what it's called.

This is an extended that can be switched from its original seat to this 'Enlarged Seat' which is more for toddler.

They sell it here as the whole 2008 package and I bought the 2007 serie which does not include the enlarged seat.

I will try to get the picture if that's possible.


Pocoyo does reminds me of nakula...since he was a baby ,we watched pocoyo show on playhouse disney channel. It is a great show for toddler, they can learn and the white background and the use of colors are very exciting.

Nakula is going to school in April, well it's a playground actually. He is a very energetic boy and he likes to be around children, so I thought it would be the right thing to do for him to start socializing, learn to play and share toys. I thought it would be good for his attitude and character development.

Pocoyo lunch box and accessories would be cute for his first time at school.