I am Nakula...

Night Owl
'The Sleep Training

Nakul has been a very easy sleeper since he was born.
He has been sleeping alone in his room at the age of 1 month. It took him only 2 days of heavy crying but then he's sleeping soundly every night.
I only had to wake up once or maximum two times a night. He goes to bed every 7pm, right after his warm bath.


He is now 9 months, it's not the same anymore...

It all started when he started to eat (6 months old) and somehow it got pretty bad with sleeping although i can still manage. Then he learned to crawl and stand on his own, I'm very happy to see his development, he is not a little baby anymore, he has become a little boy.

After few months, I realized I could not get enough sleep so a change has to be made.

None of the doctors here ever mention this sort of training. I had to find this out myself on the internet.

I tried few tricks but the best trick is the one that's leaving him cry in his room....it breaks my heart but he needs to learn to put himself back to sleep.

It has been a week now, i think it gets better but he hasn't passed this test yet. I hope it's gonna happen soon.

I Love you baby boy!

After 1 week....

I think my baby boy has passed his sleep-training test. He understood when it is time to sleep. He does not cry anymore everytime i put him to bed and left him all alone in his room.

He wakes up every 2am for his milk. I've read that it is not necessary for babies of 9 months to wake up and feed because they should be able to sleep straight 9 hours without milk.
To be honest, It doesn't bother me to just wake up once at night and it also can be different with every kid because every 2am my son is thirsty and can drink about 120 cc.

I'd be lucky if he can sleep straight 9 hours but the time will come. For now, I think  Nakula has been a good boy, he is able to sleep like before. This time I know that he is well rested at night.

Im very proud...

Characters Emerged...

Baby is not a baby anymore. He knows what he wants and he got upset if he couldn't get it.

He can cutely scream like he is trying to say something...I hear a lot of "AAH,  AH.. sound"... sometimes short sometimes long. I sometimes just laugh at him and then we laugh together, like he know that he is being silly.

He can stand for few seconds on his own, he's gonna walk soon i think.

He can show emotions now, it is alot easier to know what he wants although it is now much of a handful because he wants to explore every corner of the house, throw everything out of his box.

He likes to sit out at the garden and enjoy the afternoon breeze.


Everytime he falls, i said.."ooops"

this happens alot and now if i say "ooops.." he will let himself fall.....he is very funny.....a real comedian...  =)

He said... mama

It is like a music to my ears when the first time i heard he said "mmamma". he said it with longer mm ...that happened 2 days ago and now he says mmamma many times, mostly when he is inside his box......

mmamma to the rescue....  =)

funny story of...
'The Cherry-phobia'
06 August 2008

Today, we went to Mulia Hotel, and we all had nice dinner there.
Nakula' Dinner: Potato Perkedel with Hainan Chicken (all mixed and chopped finely). He loved it
Nakula's Dessert: Vanilla Creme Brule

And then I decided to put him on baby high-chair because he got bored in his stroller.
Something very funny happened as he was sitting there.
I gave him a cherry fruit to play with. He looked at it funny at first and he slowly he began to touch it, he was shivering as he was disgusted by it. He repeated that over and over again.

He shivers even if he only sees cherry fruit. He thinks cherry fruit is unpleasant.

We were laughing hard just seeing his funny and cute reaction.

Taai..ta..Taaai taa..

11 months Nakula....

He can take 7 steps now on his own and he can already pick himself up from sitting position, well not all the time but he is trying very very hard.

He loves his new walk, he can control us where he wants to go now...follow the leader!!


This is also his new thing....if i say HOERAA, he will pick both his arms up in the air....soooo cute!!

He laughs and giggles even more now....
Those sounds he makes really heaven to my ears

Charming Little Boy

Nakula is a charming boy and that is what Nakula stands for. He really brighten up the whole room every time he is in. He got all the attention, all eyes are always on him. Everyone always want to get closed to him even complete strangers.

It is amazing how a child can get that much attention. It must came from the aura around and inside of him.

He is a very friendly boy and lately he likes to give people a hug, adults and kids his age even older.

Thursday, 11.12.08
blew a whistle!

by accident blew his whistle

Today was a great day for Nakula. He found and learned another new thing and today was his blue whistle.
He can use straw since he was around 10-11 months and he thought its the same thing, but as for today, he found out that his blue whistle can make a sound. So he was also surprised with the noise made. He had a very big smile on his face. He really enjoyed his blue whistle.

Stroller as a walking chair

december 16th 2008

I think it is almost impossible for nakula to stay long time on his stroller....He mastered walking now and he just want to show it off to everyone.

He is such an easy going baby. He says hi to everyone and started to speak baby talks to them like he has something interesting to share.

He can easily gives a hug to just anyone he likes. usually women, and scary looking old men (they are usually the type of people baby scared off)

But after the walk, he gets tired, although he forces himself to walk but if i put him back on his stroller, he does not struggle...so that means nakula is tired and wants to relax with both hands up under his head (just like grown ups do)